Saturday, July 24


今天很闲空啊~~~啊~~ 今天早上的neural network lab 因为"亲爱的" lecturer 喉咙痛痛,所以没上啦!! 真是开心到要死.... 其实昨天上完九点的课,本人就超闲的了.... 本来想回笨珍可爱的家的,可是怕给我家那两个"Siao Za Bo" housemates 砍死,所以忍着“思乡情"........ T.T
两位housemates,看到了,就感动下.. lalala~~~....不过,你们是"冷血"的啦... 哈哈~

所以,我今天直接睡到早上九点多,起来了,又不懂要干嘛,时间好难熬啊...... (被她们看到,直接两巴过来......=X)
然后,就等等等..... 两位housemates终于回来了....全部饿到不行了..... 就准备下,下楼,搭巴士朝DataranPahlawan前进.....

耗了n小时,我们三个饿到前胸贴后背,就跑到Seoul Garden 去吃buffet.....
我以为我们是最饿的一桌了,隔壁的中学生(应该是... 1男3女..)从我们还没进去就在吃了,我们吃了,他们依然在吃,还一直refill, 到我们饱到要死了,还在吃... 那个,你们真的很饿hor?

我和gladys兴致勃勃去拿免费雪糕(任拿的,scoop 的那种), 可是vanilla没有了... 就要找负责人叫他们refill下.... 就叫gladys帮忙讲....
Gladys: 嗯..... 那个ice cream 没有了......
做工的: o...... ice har?
Gladys: ice cream~~~

然后,他就跑去弄冰.... =.=''' 弄了一桶... 可是我们要的是ICE CREAM叻
后来,有一个人refill ice cream..... 我们就去拿了咯... 刚才那个人走来refill ice 我们就小声讲,他看到冰还很多,肯定想打我们咯... 还讲没有冰.... 我们两个就自己笑到要死~~ 神经病到~

然后,就开始shopping啦!走了n小时,我就买了一枚戒指,一本YG,一件裙子,一双鞋子,一个杯子..... 她们两个就花了不懂多少钱,因为我是消费最少的!! 哇啦叻~~~

我们叻,走到脚超级痠,就坐在喷水池,一边喝着珍珠奶茶,一边看"贤重"鱼,"冠希"鱼,"阿娇"鱼...... 坐了一下子,就去搭的士回宿舍... (因为太迟了,没有公共巴士了.....)

今天还真累,明天要努力做功课了..... 晚安啦!! (照片就等等upload 啦......... ^^)

Wednesday, July 21

Holiday~~ Lalala~~

Lalala~~ This friday no class!! Yoohoo~~ Due to the lecturer who is suffering from bad sore throat now, both lecture and lab are CANCELLED !! Wakakaka~~~ Tomorrow will only have one class at 9am then can go back after 11am.... wahwahwah~~ Happy!!

I'm still wondering should I go home this week... 4 days holidays again..... but I have to take bus..... The journey from malacca to JB, JB to Pontian... is really tiring~~ haiz~~

だから, should I go back this week??

Anyway, if I "tao hong" , I think I will back~~ XD

Wednesday, July 14


I'm vexed~~~~

Don't get closer to me... Just stay away as far as you can .....

I'm just like a volcano.... will explode in anytime....

Hard to explain what happen to me......

Just vexed and speechless.......

Dunno how to cheer up myself..

Just hope this kind of feeling can go away!!!

Friday, July 9


第一次发现,不会驾车... 就是"惨!!"

昨晚因为喝了两杯teh tarik,让我清醒到今天早上七点!!!!! 我的妈呀!!!

又因为不够睡,待在家.... 怎么知道家里没粮食..... 一个字 ----> 饿~~~

所以,我很衰~~~ Lalalala~~~

Thursday, July 8

I don't wanna back to "hell"!!!

The long holiday has come to the end soon... that's mean I have to face with all stress~ing work/studies and those annoying faces in the Uni... That's really NOT GOOD!!!

I wish to spend more times at home.. Melaka is really not a nice place for me... The weather is super hot... My hostel is so far from my uni.. There were lots of dissatisfactions but nowhere to vent out ... What to do?

My poor mummy..... I 've been nagging "I'm going to back Melaka! I don't wanna back!" from the beginning of the holidays... nagged for nearly 1 and half months..
how awesome am I ---> Can be so irritating......
Now is really coming to end... That's so sad.... T.T

Anyway, I have to cherish the times spend with my family and my friends... Cos I really rarely back after start studies then..... wuwu.....


2 more days to go...........

Sunday, July 4

Bad Habit~

My bad habit is getting worse day by day....
I always dozed off without off my laptop..... even sleep till morning..
So if there's someone see me still online in the midnight, wanna chat with me...
there will always no response from me....=.=''' Sorry ya, my friends~ T.T
and ... and... and...
I feel sorry to my laptop too~
Coz "you" have to work overtime most of the time.... T.T

I will try to change the habit but is kinda hard.....
since it followed me for about 3 years... XD

Serious har?
Erm.... no need to change totally but a bit ~~ =)

Change change change~~~ Go go go~~~ Fighting!!! ^^

Thursday, July 1

I did nothing~

Just heard from my friend, that our journal which we did for machine learning won the award in the presentation .... The journal is going to publish on a mucet book.. Congrat me ,huh?

In fact, I should be very happy that our efforts didn't pay off....
But I'm not so happy.....

Should I happy? I don't think I helped you in your presentation. I didn't even know what you had done for this presentation. Even though, you're the leader, you're the only one chosen to represent our group to present it. But what ever you done during this holiday, I can't see and I didn't even help you.

I don't know what's going on with me... I just felt that I did nothing but there's fame return to me..

Congratulations to my leader for the successful presentation!

and Sorry for didn't help much!